Distributing woolens: Hindustan Times News

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Distributing woolens:

GD Goenka School Lucknow students distributing woolens. This December, some City schools are working to “warm up the winter” of the less privileged by donating them close especially woolens, along with other necessities.

Nandini Goel, a class 11th student of GD Goenka School, Lucknow, has been working to help the destitute people living in the vicinity of the school and their children stay warm. As the chill started setting in, Nandini collected cardigans and shawls and began distributing them among daily wage workers and their children. These children are being provided free-of-cost education too. Some medical help is also provided. Nandini and other like-minded teenagers volunteer certain hours to impart knowledge to these children,” said Raveen Pande, principal, GD Goenka School, Lucknow.

Likewise, students of Allenhouse Public School, Lucknow, are also participating in Campaign #From_people_to_people. As part of it, the students collect clothes, blankets, and other items for the underprivileged. On account of severe weather, we thought it was essential to help those who were not getting sufficient food, clothes or shelter –especially the children,” said a press statement issued by the school.

distributing woolens


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