Event Promotes Organic Living

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GD Goenka Public School, Lucknow, recently organized an engaging event for its Grade I and II students, focusing on the importance of organic living. This initiative was part of the school’s effort to integrate environmental education into its curriculum, encouraging young learners to understand and appreciate the benefits of a sustainable lifestyle.

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The event included a variety of creative activities designed to both educate and entertain. Students participated in a skit that depicted the impact of organic farming versus conventional methods, emphasizing the environmental and health benefits of organic practices. This was followed by a poem recitation and role-play activities that further reinforced the message of sustainability and the importance of being environmentally conscious from a young age.

One of the highlights was a street play performed by the students, which illustrated how everyday choices can affect our planet. The play encouraged the students to think about how they can make a difference in their own lives by choosing organic and sustainable options.

The school believes that teaching students about organic living at an early age will foster a generation that is more aware and proactive about environmental issues. By incorporating these values into the school’s programs, GD Goenka Public School aims to not only educate its students academically but also instill in them a sense of responsibility towards the Earth.

The event concluded with a prayer and pledge, where students committed to making more environmentally friendly choices. The school song was sung with great zeal, wrapping up the day on a high note, with students leaving inspired to make positive changes towards a more sustainable future.

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