Goenkan Reaction on CBSE Exam Schedule:
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) released the date sheet of Class 10 and Class 12 examination 2019, on Sunday. The Class 12 board examination will start on February 15 and conclude on April 3 while the Class 10 board examination will commence from February 21 and end on March 29.
In Lucknow, a number of CBSE students expressed unhappiness over the date sheet for the examination. They were a little surprised with the date sheet and said that the gaps given between two difficult papers were far too less.
Swaraj Tiwari, a student of Class 12 at the GD Goenka Public School said in her opinion this year the date sheet was quite a surprise. “As a student, who has taken humanities with maths there will be no gap between my two major subjects, that is math and political science,” said Swaraj. However, Swaraj believes that challenges such as these are essential and will prepare her for the challenges ahead and therefore welcomed the exam schedule.
Pratyush Singh a Class 12 student of the same school said, “The first core subject exam has been scheduled on March 2 for English and this would be fine as we can prepare ourselves well in advance. The second exam of physics is scheduled for March 5. I feel that we should have been given at least five days to prepare because physics is a vast subject and needs time. The fourth exam of Biology is scheduled for March 15. Here I feel that the gap is quite short and we would have to work a bit faster to prepare“.
“The fifth exam of math is scheduled for March 18. I feel students would not find it difficult to prepare for this exam as there is enough gap for them, but for PCMB students the gap could have been a bit longer. The physical education paper has been scheduled for March 30 and I feel this gap could be shortened as it would not take so many days to prepare for physical education. The main concern is of the physics paper since the gap will not be enough to prepare for the subject,” he said.
Avinash Nair of Class 12 said being a PCM student with physical education, he found it quite outrageous that CBSE gave them about a week to prepare for both chemistry and mathematics, and almost two weeks for physical education, but only two days for physics.
“We all know that physics is a very technical subject. This year, we have 15 chapters to prepare in physics, each one requiring some kind of detail, skill or special attention. Even if he has studied before, a mere two days is definitely not enough to even revise the massive syllabus of the subject, let alone, going through it thoroughly,” said this student of GD Goenka Public School.