Internatinoal Yoga Day 2024

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‘International Yoga Day’ Celebrated In True Spirit By GD Goenka Public School Lucknow At The Centrum:

On the occasion of International Yoga Day, June 21, The Centrum Hotel organized a yoga session on a grand scale for everyone. Yoga enthusiasts from across the city joined in rejuvenating yoga sessions designed to foster a deep connection between the mind, body, and soul.

Under the expert guidance of yoga instructor Ms. Rajni Madhyan, GD Goenka students, teachers, and other participants immersed themselves in invigorating yoga sessions from 06:00 am to 06:45 am at the Poolside Lawn. The session was followed by a soothing Aqua Yoga experience in The Centrum’s pristine swimming pool.

Mr. Sarvesh Goel, Promoter and Chairman, remarked, “The impressive turnout and overwhelming support from the community underscore the importance of events like this in promoting the principles Dr. Prerna Mitra of good health and fitness through yoga. This response will undoubtedly contribute significantly to raising awareness and encouraging a healthier lifestyle.

Post-session, refreshing refreshments were provided to all attendees.

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