GD Goenka Public School Celebrated "INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY WEEK":-
The 21st day of June is recognized as International Yoga Day all over the world “Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body, thought and action, restraint and fulfillment, harmony between man and nature, a holistic approach to health and well- being. Changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness, can help in well-being. The proven benefits of yoga include increased flexibility and fitness, mindfulness and relaxation.
GD Goenka Public School, Lucknow organized a 7-day virtual yoga session for the students from 15 June to 21 June, 2021. The parents were also encouraged and they participated with great enthusiasm. A week plan was given to teachers to celebrate Yoga Day which included different types of exercises to enhance their balancing of body; also different breathing techniques were practised by children.
Every year, the Goenkan fraternity observes a celebration leading up to the main event to promote yoga. This year also despite the pandemic, we took the opportunity to propagate the need to practice yoga at home as a family. Emphasis was laid on the general and post-covid importance of yoga. Students were asked to follow the instructions given in the link and perform the following asanas; Vajrasana, Ardha Ushtrasana, Shashankasana, Vajrasana, Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Setubandhasana and Pavanamuktasana. Other activities like Sitli pranayama, Ujaiyii pranayama, Bhramairi pranayama, Kapalbhati pranayam etc.
On June 21, a live yoga session was organised for all students, parents and teachers from 8:15 to 9:00 am. This marked the culmination of the International Yoga Day. It was a wonderful session wherein students were seen performing the yoga asanas along with their families. It was a refreshing time of performing exercises as the Goenkan fraternity. Even though the day and the celebration has ended, the students left with a promise that they would make exercising a regular feature of their daily