“Democracy is not merely a form of government. It is primarily a mode of associated living, of conjoint communicated experience. It is essentially an attitude of respect and reverence towards fellow men.” – B. R.Ambedkar
A world without confinements is every soul’s dream. The date, 26th November is pinned in historical events like National Constitution Day. It is celebrated to commemorate the adoption of the Constitution of India as SamvidhaanDiwas.
It highlights the features of the Constitution like its fundamental code, structure, procedures, rights, and duties of the citizens and the government.
To reiterate the values and principles enshrined in the Constitution, Best CBSE GD Goenka Public School organized a few activities for the students. It was initiated by the Principal and everyone else roped in for the same. Each class conducted a Preamble reading and understanding session along with a special activity in each class.
Primary segment students were explained the terminologies given in the Preamble and they read it together in the class.
Class VI organised an elaborated session on the importance and core values of the constitution. Students were first-hand exposed to the values that inspired the making of the Indian Constitution.
Class VII participated in a bookmark-making activity where students made bookmarks based on the keywords mentioned in our Preamble.
Class VIII students prepared a collage illustrating the documents contained in the Preamble. They enhanced their experience while they laid hands on collecting data about our very own vivid and democratic Constitution.
Students’ curiosity could be sensed by their overwhelming response and by their creativity shown by the questions they asked and their work.
The activities helped the students to be aware of the principles laid by the Indian government for the Citizens of India, their rights and responsibilities, and the democratic values of the country.
It also strengthened the heartfelt belongingness of each child to connect to its country, abide by its rule and bring laurels to one’s nation.