GD Goenka Public School, Lucknow, organized an insightful session titled “Effective Strategies for Board Exam Success” for Class X and XII students, along with their parents, to prepare them for the upcoming board examinations. This session, led by the Principal, Dr. Prerna Mitra, and renowned psychologist, Dr. Sonal Gupta, was designed to guide students on achieving success while managing exam stress effectively.
The session commenced with the release of the official board exam date sheet, instantly engaging parents and students alike. As an icebreaker, Dr. Sonal Gupta encouraged parents to initiate open discussions with their children about planning and preparation. She focused on critical areas such as time management, the role of self-study schedules, and mindful practices to boost concentration and recall. Techniques like meditation and stress reduction strategies were emphasized to improve students’ mental well-being and focus.
Dr. Sonal highlighted the crucial role of parents in providing a supportive and stress-free environment at home, fostering an atmosphere that motivates children to excel. She also provided valuable tips for guiding students in career planning, helping them stay focused on future goals like JEE, NEET, and other competitive examinations.
Principal Dr. Prerna Mitra concluded the session with a motivational address, offering students practical strategies for exam preparation. She underscored the importance of regular revision schedules, time management techniques, and maintaining a positive outlook. Stressing the significance of balancing study breaks with cognitive activity, Dr. Prerna urged students to adopt a disciplined approach to learning.
The session further covered techniques to overcome exam anxiety, manage distractions, and optimize study hours. Students were encouraged to focus on key subjects, manage priorities, and avoid last-minute cramming. Dr. Prerna also inspired students with an uplifting anecdote, highlighting the importance of parental trust and support in fulfilling their dreams.
The interactive session was well-received by parents and students, who left feeling motivated and better equipped to face the upcoming challenges. By providing a clear roadmap for exam preparation and success, GD Goenka Public School reaffirmed its commitment to academic excellence and student well-being, solidifying its position as the best CBSE school in Lucknow.
This initiative reflects GD Goenka’s progressive approach to education, ensuring students are confident, focused, and ready to excel in their board examinations.