GD Goenka NBT Lucknow: GD Goenka NBT Lucknow News publish recently program news. A strong memory depends on the health and vitality of your brain. Whether you’re a student studying for final exams, a working professional interested in doing all you can to stay mentally 
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CBSE XII Result News : CBSE XII Result News a total of 34 students scored above 90% and many achieved a full 100 in most subjects. Aayushi Singh, our school topper and also of the science stream, amazed everyone with 96.8% an aggregate of 5 
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GD Goenka NBT News: GD Goenka NBT News Deputy Chief Minister Dr. Dinesh Sharma has called upon private educational institutions to adopt at least one primary school. Develop these schools. Efforts can be made to send teachers to the teaching along with basic facilities. This will 
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Intermediate Result: Intermediate Result Gd Goenka Top CBSE in Luckow. GD Goenka provides the facility for the student to achieve their goal and go head always. GD Goenka Public School feels extremely proud to announce the CBSE (Class 12) results- 2018. A total of 34 students 
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Celebration By Goenkan: Celebration By Goenkan G.D. Goenka Public School, Lucknow has played host to numerous celebrities and achievers who have carved a niche for themselves in the society. One to one interaction with such celebrities motivates our young Goenkans. The students appeared quite ecstatic on 
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Discussion Internet Bulling : Discussion Internet Bulling, also known as internet bullying, is the use of electronic media such as e-mail, social networking sites, text messaging, etc. to intimidate, mock, or humiliate others. Talk to your students about the following: Keep account information a secret 
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Hindustan and Navbharat Times-News: Hindustan and Navbharat Times published new Goenkan News. Gd Goenka Best CBSE School Lucknow recently Organised its investiture ceremony. The event was presided over by the brigadier Sandeep Singh, Chairman of the School Mr. Sarvesh Kumar Goel and principle Mrs. Raveen Pande. 
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Hindustan Shivangi Mishra News: Hindustan Shivangi Mishra News Shivangi felt excited and was proud of her achievement upon seeing her mother’s reaction. The Principal, Mrs. Raveen Pande congratulated and appreciated the students for their overwhelming performances and wished them success for their college admissions and competitive 
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CLAT News: CLAT News Shivangi Mishra, a student of GD Goenka Public School, Lucknow was happy with her AIR-49 in her first attempt. “Technical snag caused a lot of chaos during exams. However, I gave my best and finished the test on time and also 
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CLAT Exam: CLAT Exam Common Law Admission Test is conducted as per a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the convenience of the students seeking admission to various National Law Universities in the country. An entrance test is conducted to provide a list of candidates on 
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