Fun With Science

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“Mixing, trying, hands-on play,

In science experiments, they find their way.”

‘Fun With Science’ activities at GD Goenka Public School, Lucknow, In our quest to unravel the mysteries of science, a series of captivating and educational experiments was conducted for the students of pre-primary to grade 2 at GD Goenka Public School, Lucknow on 18th August 2023. These hands-on experiences ignited our student’s curiosity and deepened their understanding of various scientific concepts. Through hands-on participation, our little Goenkans gained a deeper understanding of the scientific principles involved and the importance of empirical research.

Classes from Nursery to KG were involved in making earthen pots. In this experiment, the students explored the art of pottery-making and learned about the traditional methods of creating earthen pots. They were taught how to knead and mould clay into various shapes, specifically focusing on pot-making. The students displayed great enthusiasm while using the potter’s wheel and hand-building techniques. The experiment also provided insights into the significance of pottery in different cultures and its historical context.


Grade I students did a potato obstacle experiment. In this experiment, the students grew a potato’s roots in a shoebox for four weeks and learned about the science of how it grows. The teacher Constructed mazes using shoeboxes and cardboard partitions and planted potato sprouts at the maze entrance. Then she positioned light sources at the end of each maze. The box was kept in the garden. Students observed growth patterns over four weeks and when students opened the box they saw that the potato shoot has made its way around and over the maze to reach the hole where the sunlight was coming in. They learned that plants have cells that are sensitive to light and tell the plant which way to grow. Plants always grow toward the light. The experiment aimed to showcase phototropism in potato plants, illustrating how they grow towards a light source.

For grade II we conducted an engaging experiment on the concept of “Anti-Gravity Plants”. This experiment aimed to demonstrate how plants defy gravity and grow against it. To enhance the understanding of the experiment, a PowerPoint presentation, a video, and a plant for reference were used to provide clear explanations and visuals. The experiment not only sparked curiosity but also encouraged students to think critically and apply scientific concepts to real-life scenarios.

Through these experiments, students actively participated, honed their practical skills, and deepened their appreciation for the wonders of science. The interactive experiments ignited curiosity, leaving kids with smiles of wonder and a newfound enthusiasm for science.

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