Welcome To Toddler / Pre-Primary / Primary

GD Goenka Public School

Mahanagar Branch, Lucknow

Childhood Expert

nurturing young minds during the crucial early years

Safe Environment

secure space designed to encourage curiosity, creativity

Learning Concept

Learning through play, allowing children to learn naturally

Best Toddler, Playgroup, Nursery, Pre-Primary, & Primary School in Lucknow

This has been a continuously growing branch over the last nine years. Born in the year 2015, this school has come a long way and is one of the leading schools in Lucknow.

Curriculum and Approach

Curriculum and Approach

Explain the curriculum, teaching methods, and pedagogical approach that focuses on play-based learning, social development, and kindergarten readiness. Child centered, developing child’s self-concept in preparation for their adult lives.

Toddler Facilities

Toddler Facilities

Describe the specially designed classrooms, play areas, and safety measures in place to create a secure and stimulating environment. Young Toddlers of 2+ experience hands on discovery and exploration, shaping scientific mindset.

Our Approaches

Play Based Learning

To get the child learn with fun. Ensures holistic development of every child whereby developing Fine and Gross Motor skills along with language development.

Nurture & Creative Intelligence

Building traits like service mindedness, empathy, collaboration along with ability to develop creative ways to perform any task.


Our classrooms well supported by audio-visual aids and ICT ensures an environment for learning with realistic approach.


To enhance a deeper understanding of the concepts introduced whereby building a deeper connection with the subject.

Childhood Expert

Ensures deeper understanding of the concept by letting children learn by doing. Nurturing young minds during the crucial early years.

Mr. Sarvesh Goel Img
From the Chairman’s Desk-

At GD Goenka Public School, Lucknow, we believe in the transformative power of early education. Our commitment to nurturing young minds begins at the toddler stage, where curiosity, creativity, and a love for learning are ignited. We are dedicated to providing a safe, stimulating, and joyous environment that allows our little explorers to thrive. Our team of experienced educators and staff is wholeheartedly committed to your child’s holistic development. Together with parents, we embark on a journey to lay a strong foundation for a bright future. Welcome to our toddler & pre-primary school, where every day is an opportunity to discover, grow, and succeed.

From the Principal’s Desk-

Welcome to GD Goenka Public School, Mahanagar, Lucknow, where every child’s journey of exploration and discovery is embraced with enthusiasm. Our toddler programs, including Playgroup, Nursery, Pre-Primary, and Primary are designed to ensure that your child’s early years are filled with joyful learning experiences. Our dedicated teachers, with their expertise in early childhood education, create an environment where children feel secure, express themselves freely, and develop essential skills for life. We believe in a play-based approach that nurtures creativity and curiosity. Together with our parents, we foster a sense of wonder and readiness for kindergarten. I invite you to be a part of our toddler school community, where we celebrate the remarkable growth and potential of every child.

Dr. Prerna Mitra Img
School Awards img
School Awards
GD Goenka Playground)img
Parent Reviews img
Parent Reviews
Cutting Edge Technology
To heighten and enhance the learning process and aiding students in their growth.
Best Infrastructure
For 360 degree development and to provide students with opportunities to excel in any arena.
Best Teaching Aids
To encourage every child to express their individuality appropriately.
Learning & Growth
Through various activities, emphasis is laid to hone soft skills, life, and motor skills from the very beginning as it helps in moulding a child physically and mentally.

Why choose us?

GD Goenka Public School, Mahanagar is well equipped with updated technologies, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and the best teaching aids. The school runs admission from Toddler, Playgroup, Nursery, Pre-Primary to Class IV.

The team of qualified teachers act as a mentor and inculcate in children the qualities of curiosity, exploration, and discovery in a fun-filled, safe and happy learning environment.

The school’s curriculum makes use of a range of individual and group activities which create a lively and positive learning environment. Edu sports, taekwondo, skating, music, dance, creative projects, story-telling, role-playing, art & craft, informative field- trips help develop children’s foundational skills in literacy, knowledge and numeracy.

Teaching Methodology

At GD Goenka Public School, our teaching methodology revolves around the belief that children learn best through play. We understand that the toddler years are a crucial period of development, where young minds are like sponges, soaking up knowledge from their surroundings. Our educators create a dynamic and engaging learning environment where play is the vehicle for exploration, creativity, and skill development. Through age-appropriate activities and hands-on experiences, we encourage toddlers to discover the world around them, laying the foundation for a lifelong love of learning.

Teaching Methodology


Our educational philosophy at GD Goenka Public School is deeply rooted in the notion that each child is a unique individual with limitless potential. We embrace the responsibility of nurturing their innate curiosity, creativity, and imagination. Our philosophy revolves around creating a secure, loving, and inclusive environment where children can express themselves freely, develop their social skills, and build a strong sense of self-esteem. We view early childhood as a precious stage of life, and our philosophy is dedicated to fostering the holistic growth of every child, celebrating their individuality, and preparing them for future academic success.

Pedagogical Approach

Our pedagogical approach at GD Goenka Public School is grounded in research-based best practices for early childhood education. We understand that toddlers learn through active exploration and engagement with their surroundings. Therefore, we prioritize hands-on learning experiences that stimulate their cognitive, social, and emotional development. Our educators are trained to create developmentally appropriate activities that encourage problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity. We believe in a child-centered approach, where teachers act as facilitators, guiding children on their learning journeys. By fostering independence and a love for learning, our pedagogical approach sets a solid foundation for future academic success.


Pedagogical Approach



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