International Plastic Bag Free Day, celebrated on July 3 was created by Bag Free World. It was created as a worldwide initiative for the purpose of getting rid of the single-use of plastic bags around the world. It is all about promoting environmental conservation by encouraging us all to stay away from the use of plastic bags and instead look for more eco-friendly alternatives.
To make a plastic bag-free world, it is essential to make people aware of cleaning, dumping, and disposing of these plastic bags because due to their lightweight, plastic bags travel a long way in water, land, and only 1% of total plastic produced is recycled. So this day is a global initiative to eradicate or reduce the use of these dangerous plastics and teach everyone about the effects of throwing plastic into the environment and must help to change their behavior. It is not possible to clean all the plastic pollution in the world until a permanent solution is implemented for the issue. It is in the hands of each and everyone on the globe to make “plastic bag free society possible”.
On this day our students of class Pre Nursery to KG of GD Goenka Public School, Lucknow celebrated World Plastic Bag Free Day by making ‘Eco Bricks’ where they collected all the plastic wrappers from their houses and stuffed them into an empty bottle. This practice will be a step towards controlling plastic pollution and preventing plastics from degrading the environment. Teachers discussed several ways to minimize the use of plastics by replacing them with paper, jute, and cloth bags. After this activity children took the pledge “Say No to Plastics” collect all the plastic wrappers in a bottle and then dump them in the garbage.