GD Goenka Public School, Lucknow, hosted an engaging and vibrant event, “Class Ki Baat,” where its youngest learners showcased their talents through creative performances. The event emphasized experiential learning, focusing on academics, values, and holistic growth.
Students presented topics such as the importance of plants through skits and songs, explored the planets in the Solar System, and highlighted good manners in daily life. An interactive session on consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words further enhanced language learning, while a lively “Nukkad Natak” humorously emphasized the benefits of outdoor play over excessive screen time.
The event concluded with a parent-oriented session on emotional well-being, reinforcing GD Goenka’s commitment to mental health and academic success. Such initiatives highlight why GD Goenka is celebrated as the Top school in Lucknow, offering a well-rounded educational experience.